A shared vision to protect the natural environment
Our PartnersAs a small, national NGO, EFA seeks to build a coalition of partners who share our vision to protect the natural environment and protect forest-friendly livelihoods.

Our Partners
- ERM Foundation
- European Union (EU)
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Royal Society for Protection of Birds
- Birdlife International
Africa Region
- Global Environmental Facility West Africa Network
- IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, West and Central Africa
- African Civil Society Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA)
- African Wildlife Foundation (AWF)
In Sierra Leone
- Njala University
- Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
- Ministry of Water Resources
- Ministry of Tourism & Culture and Cultural Affairs
- Ministry of Finance
- Freetown City Council
- Western Area Rural District Council
- Sierra Leone Associate of NGOs (SLANGO)
- Catholic Relief Services
- Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary
- Irish Aid SL
- Save the Children International – SL